Search results for "cook once"

Vegetables are vital to an addition diet

Addition Diet

Dieters and health-seekers talk freely about food elimination diets. They report leaving grains, or dairy, or meats out of their diets. Then, they debate which foods should be removed from your menu. But have you ever considered a food addition diet? The focus of our conversations should be on how we can broaden our food […]

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vegetables for a greener summer

50 Ways to a Greener Summer

A greener summer isn’t just about lawns and forests. It’s about your diet, too. You know vegetables are good for you – especially those leafy greens and the cruciferous kind, like broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. But maybe you don’t know why you should eat them…or how! Here’s my list of what naturally green food does […]

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herbs are potent inflammation fighters

Inflammation Fighters

Taming inflammation is more than gulping cucumber juice and gobbling turmeric capsules. It’s incorporating inflammation fighters into your daily routine, and passing up the foods that flare an inflammatory response. Eating Creates Oxidation Your body is an engine. An engine is a device to convert fuel to energy. But the process is not perfect. As […]

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Are you powerless to stop sugar cravings?

Stop Sugar Cravings

You crave sugar when you are undernourished or overstimulated. But by eating a nutrient-rich diet, you stop sugar cravings now and prevent them in the future. Why? Because you are providing deep nourishment and reducing the physiological stimuli that drive sugar cravings. How Undernourishment Starts By definition, undernourishment means your energy output is greater than […]

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The Diet Brain Connection

The Diet Brain Connection

What you put in your stomach directly impacts how you think and how your learn. By enhancing your Diet Brain Connection, you can increase your concentration and memory. That’s because the foods you eat can increase or decrease brain fog, distractibility, depression and anxiety. Too Many Refined Carbs Hurt the Brain Your brain is an […]

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nutrient-rich yogurt bowl

5 Nutrient-Rich Breakfasts

One of the most important steps you can take to balance your blood sugars is to eat a nutrient-rich breakfast. Instead of dashing out the door with a granola bar, or slamming down a bowl of cold cereal, try these family favorites that comfort and nourish simultaneously. For the Oatmeal Lover: Nutrient-Rich Black Rice Pudding […]

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Big Fat Treat #2: chocolate pops/pudding

Big Fat Treats

If you want to quit sugar, it’s important to “add before you subtract.” In other words, feed your soul and body to avoid deprivation. So, increase the amount of satisfying, wholesome fat you eat, while decreasing the amount of sweeteners you consume. When you increase your fat-to-sugar ratio, you prevent the blood sugar crash that […]

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nutrient-rich green smoothie

Post-Holiday Detox

After rounds of chestnuts roasting on an open fire, visions of sugar plums, and even figgy pudding, do you need a post-holiday detox? Are you feeling sluggish, heavy and tired? You’ll need more than a green smoothie to regain your well-being. But, there are many simple tricks you can perform at home now and throughout […]

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A Little Indulgence

Boycotting refined flour and sugar doesn’t mean you must live a spartan life! Being healthy certainly includes joyful connection with family and friends over delicious and nourishing food. Why not replace low quality treats with something better? Deprivation only instills resentment and drives cravings. Since brownies were once my downfall – the food that triggered […]

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