Post-Holiday Detox
After rounds of chestnuts roasting on an open fire, visions of sugar plums, and even figgy pudding, do you need a post-holiday detox? Are you feeling sluggish, heavy and tired? You’ll need more than a green smoothie to regain your well-being. But, there are many simple tricks you can perform at home now and throughout 2019. So throw away those cookie platters and let’s get started!
Support Your Liver
Pamper your liver, since it is the organ responsible for taking toxins out of your body. Stimulate a nourishing blood supply to it by patting your right torso just below the ribs while you are in a hot shower. For extra-special treatment, you can place castor oil packs on it.
Your liver needs specific categories of food to function well. First, give it “sulphurs, greens, and sours.” These foods are tonic to that organ. Sulphurs include all edible mushrooms, vegetables in the onion family, and vegetables in the cruciferous family. Some dark leafy greens that you might not think to eat regularly are chard, cilantro, parsley, and watercress. For sours, spike your water with lemon juice, or take a shot of a probiotic beverage, such as kombucha, kefir, or sauerkraut juice.
Since detoxification is a process that requires lots of amino acids, feed your liver plenty of protein. It is a myth that you can detox just by juicing. Vegetable juices are cleansing because they reduce inflammation and scrub out the colon. But they don’t provide enough amino acids for liver function.
Lastly, “grease the skids.” Your liver needs Omega 3 fatty acids to make the bile that will carry toxins out through the colon. These fatty acids are highest in mackerel, salmon, cod liver oil, herring, oysters, and sardines.
Open All Your Elimination Ports
Your post-holiday detox should expand beyond liver support. What happens if the liver cleans out the toxins, but the ports of elimination are clogged? Well, all those toxins go right back into the blood and you get sick! Your five ports are:
- Skin: You can flush the skin by sweating! That might mean going to the sauna or engaging in an intense cardio workout. A great way to sweat in the winter time is to add a tablespoon of dried ginger powder to your bath water. Ginger is a diaphoretic herb. Unfortunately, some people experience burning on their skin in reaction to the ginger powder. If this happens, add a half cup of apple cider vinegar to the water.
- Lungs: Deep breathing is the key to opening your lungs. So, draw your breath from below the diaphragm, making your belly rise as you inhale. If you don’t exercise regularly, take at least 5-10 deep breaths each morning and evening.
- Lymph: One of the easiest ways to move lymph without working out is by dry skin brushing. We like this tutorial. Alternately, you can move lymph by switching between hot and cold water in the shower. Stay in water as hot as you can stand for 4-5 minutes, then turn it as cold as you can tolerate for 30 seconds. Repeat two more times.
- Kidneys: You have to stay well-hydrated to keep your kidneys happy. If you don’t like drinking water, consider herbal teas as an alternative. The rule of thumb is to daily drink 2 ounces of water for every pound of body weight, capping at 100 ounces of water. However, caffeinated and sugared beverages do not count. In fact, add 2 ounces of water for every ounce of coffee, tea, soda, or juice that you drink.
- Colon: You can induce your “river of toxins” to move by including bitter herbs in your diet. For instance, drink peppermint or chamomile tea, serve globe artichoke as an appetizer, or chew fennel seeds after a meal. Additionally, you can use arugula, parsley, cilantro, radicchio watercress, and dandelion greens in salads.
Try A Metabolic Cleanse
To jump-start your post-holiday detox, order a detox kit such as the NutriClear Plus 15 Day Cleanse from Biotics. It includes 30 meal-replacement protein drink mixes, a shaker cup, daily supplement packs with liver-tonic herbs, and a guidebook of recipes and instructions. Moreover, it supports your energy production and is easily digested. It contains abundant anti-oxidants, added fiber, and a powerful blend of micronutrients.
Post-Holiday Detox Smoothie
Finally, about that smoothie. While it won’t detox your body by itself, certainly it does support your efforts by providing protein, sulphurous greens, omega 3s and a bitter herb (ginger). Here’s the recipe!
Green Pina Colada
1/3 c. frozen pineapple juice concentrate
2/3 c. ice and water
1 c. coconut milk, chilled
2 c. spinach (I freeze mine ahead of time)
1 tsp. grated or minced fresh ginger root
2 scoops protein powder
2 capsules Omega 3 fish oil
Slit open the capsules of fish oil and squirt the contents into the blender along with the remaining ingredients. Discard the empty capsules. Blend the ingredients until smooth and frothy. Serve immediately. Serves two.