Forsake Sugar the Tasty Way
With Valentine’s Day behind us for another year, it’s time to forsake sugar…again. But before you groan, consider that eating a nutrient-rich, whole foods diet can be much more delicious and satisfying than snacking on junk food. To prove my point, let me share 3 tasty ways to subdue your cravings.
Start the Day Right
If you feed your metabolic fire with kindling, you’ll have ashes by mid-morning. You will need a sugar-fix to get you hot again. Pancakes, muffins, and cereal are kindling. Instead, fan the flames with nutrient-dense foods that burn like logs until the next meal. You could try a Sausage, Sweet potato, and Apple Skillet, or Black Rice Pudding served with a collagen-spiked Pina-Colada Green Smoothie. Jump on over to this post to get the recipes and additional ideas to forsake sugar in the morning.
Add Before You Subtract
Instead of worrying about all the treats you can no longer eat, celebrate with a few special desserts that are truly satiating, such as Chocolate Banana-Avocado Pudding Pops, or Raspberry-Lime Sorbet! After all, if you’re going to forsake sugar, make sure you don’t feel deprived in the process. By adding a little natural fat and some fruit to your treats, you can skip the sweeteners. Big Fat Treats are truly delightful.
Trade In Your White Carbs
Pasta, potatoes, and bread don’t help you forsake sugar; in fact, they tend to fuel your cravings because they cause an insulin spike that will lead to a blood sugar crash in a few hours. But instead of going low-carb, why not just switch for nutrient-rich colored carbs, such as lentils or plantains. You’ll find the the flavors enhance your entree more than a roll or a side of rice would. I’ve posted 3 recipes to help you get started.
When you eat a nutrient-rich, whole foods diet, your need to snack diminishes, and your cravings die. Then it’s no longer a chore to forsake sugar!