You Might Be Hypoglycemic If…
Hypoglycemia: (also called low blood sugar) a lack of the body’s main source of fuel, glucose. Characterized by confusion, heart palpitations, shakiness, and anxiety. There are over 200,000 documented cases per year. But for some, it’s a chronic way of life.
Why Does Hypoglycemia Occur?
In the most common scenario, a non-diabetic individual eats a high-carb meal, which is rapidly converted to glucose. This glucose enters the bloodstream quickly and triggers a surge of insulin to escort it into the cells for energy, into the liver for temorary storage, and into fat tissue for more permanent storage. Picture insulin as a roll of paper towels and blood sugars as a basin of water. The more paper towels you use, the more water you absorb out of the basin, right? So, the more insulin secreted, the lower blood sugars will drop in response.
Google says, “Consuming high-sugar foods or drinks, such as orange juice or regular soda, can treat this condition.” Using the analogy above, sugary foods and beverages will add more water to the basin and will require another roll of paper towels to mop it up, so the cycle continues perpetually. A better preventative treatment would be to avoid eating in a way that causes high levels of glucose to enter the bloodstream to begin with. In other words, eating nutrient-dense whole foods, adequately balanced. That means adequate fats, proteins, and unrefined, unprocessed carbohydrates – like vegetables.
Why is Hypoglycemia Harmful?
Hypoglycemia is the first step in what is now being called the Black Plague of the 21st Century – a pathway toward insulin resistance, Metabolic Syndrome (characterized by weight gain, high blood pressure, and rising triglycerides), pre-diabetes (chronically elevated blood sugars), diabetes (blood sugars over 200 mg/dl), and Alzheimer’s (called Diabetes Type III).
If you don’t want to be on this path, you need to take steps now to reverse your direction.
Know the Signs of Hypoglycemia
- You notice an afternoon slump when you crave, feel lethargic, can’t think, and get sleepy – otherwise known as the 2 p.m. coma.
- Your food groups seem to be coffee, sweets, and energy drinks – you need stimulants to keep going.
- Your moods change as rapidly as the Idaho weather.
- You wonder if you’re experiencing an earthquake because you’re shaking so much. The hungrier you are, the shakier you get.
- When you can’t bite into food, you bite someone’s head off. Hangry is the word!
- Although no one startled you, and it’s not flu season, you could still faint because you get so light-headed.
- Eating brings such sweet relief! Fasting is out of the question.
- “You’re not you….” You’re:confused, knucklehead, blonde, hot mess, befuddled, klutz….
- You’re as nervous as a June Bug in a henhouse.
- Your vision seems like an unadjusted pair of binoculars.
If these sound familiar, please contact me to get some help before your health gets worse!