Is it Time to Kiss Sugar Good-bye?
How do you know when your love affair with sweets is betraying you? Check your answers in these 3 categories:
Food Addictions
- Are there any foods you feel you just couldn’t give up?
- Do you frequently experience rashes, congestion, wheezing, itchiness, or other allergic symptoms?
- Do you feel withdrawal symptoms if you try to cut back amounts of favorite foods?
- Do you have compulsions to eat, even when you’re not hungry?
- Do you experience guilt over your eating behaviors?
Blood Sugar Instability
- Do you feel tired after eating?
- Is that spare tire around your middle growing, or resistant to weight-loss efforts?
- Do you crave carbs?
- Do you have high triglycerides or low HDL cholesterol?
- Do you have experience irritability, shakiness, the jitters, or headache with fasting or skipped meals?
System Toxicity
- Do you have a general feeling of malaise?
- Do you have frequent or chronic sinus infections?
- Do you regularly experience digestive complaints, such as bloating, gas, reflux, or irritable bowel?
- Do you have unexplained joint or muscle pain?
- Are you plagued by moodiness, brain fog, or memory issues?
If you answered yes to more than 3 questions, your body may be telling your it’s on sugar overload. It may be warning you of imminent pre-diabetes, heart disease, immune dysfunction, hormone imbalance, and other chronic health challenges that can be reversed with simple dietary changes. I can help you feel free again. Breaking a sugar addiction isn’t so much about will power as it is about physiology. Nutritional Therapy can show you the path to change your life.
in Education