You Might Be Diabetic If…
If you were standing in a room with 9 other people, chances are that one of them would be diabetic. Two, maybe even three of them would be pre-diabetic. The tragedy is that most people don’t know their blood sugars are unstable until damage has been done and a doctor puts them on medication. But luckily, Type II diabetes can usually be remediated with diet and lifestyle changes. Check these warning signs of diabetes:
You might be diabetic if…
- You know the whereabouts of every public restroom in town.
- You feel as parched as sage brush.
- You’re patting yourself on the back for losing weight (when you haven’t done anything).
- Carb cravings hound you like a stalker.
- You sometimes feel as shaky as seismograph.
- You prefer sleep to sex.
- You could win an audition for Oscar the Grouch.
- You just scheduled your optician to check your vision.
- That tingly feeling in your hands and feet isn’t love.
- You’ve had a Urinary Tract Infection or a yeast infection more times than you’ve seen a movie this year.
If any of these fit, you should request an A1C, also called HbA1c, blood test from a doctor.* This test gives information about your average levels of blood sugar over the past 3 months. A score between 5.7 and 6.4 is considered pre-diabetic. Anything higher than 6.5 signifies diabetes.
If you are concerned about your blood sugars, and are ready to make changes, I can work with you to reduce your A1C reading. ReStart Classes are also helpful.
*Some walk-in labs allow you to order your own lab tests without a doctor’s requisition. There are also drugstore kits available to test your own levels at home.