How Much Sugar Can I Eat?
Is moderate use of sugar okay? A little sugar can’t be all that bad, can it?
Well, how much is a little? In the 1700’s, moderate use of sugar was 1 pound per person per year! A hundred years later, it was 10 pounds per capita. Now, estimates are that the average American consumes 180 pounds (405 cups) every year! That’s enough sugar to fill 25 gallon-size paint cans!
Where is it all coming from? The primary source is beverages, but even those who are not drinking pop daily get sugar from many hidden sources, starting with that bowl of cereal for breakfast, the condiments at lunch and the packaged products you open your dinner. So read your labels! Even my tomato sauce has high fructose corn syrup in it!
Look under the Nutrition Facts on the food label to compute how much sugar you are eating. Every five grams of sugar is 1 teaspoon. Since Americans eat nearly a half of a pound of sugar each day, that’s the equivalent of 225 grams or 45 teaspoons daily!
But is sugar actually harmful? Don’t ask the sugar specialist; ask you body. Here are ten ways sugar affects your body:
- It triggers the liver to store globules of fat that condition you for fatty liver disease.
- It causes insulin surges, which in turn stop your cells from receiving the minerals they need as they become resistant to insulin. You end up deficient in magnesium chromium, zinc, and other important nutrients.
- It puts you at higher risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease.
- It suppresses your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to infection.
- It accelerates aging.
- It alters your metabolism and leaves you short on energy.
- It creates an addictive response in the brain, fueling cravings for more.
- It promotes fat storage and weight gain.
- It contributes to chronic cortisol output, which weakens the gut; increased gut permeability fuels inflammation, food sensitivities, and auto-immunity
- It imbalances your sex hormones, spurring mood swings, low libido, PMS, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
To reduce your sugar consumption, try the 8 tips below, and enroll in this course to curb your cravings.